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2010년 영세율 폐지에 대한 고지



항상 코리아나호텔을 아껴주시는 고객님께 진심으로 감사의 말씀드립니다.


2009년 12월 말로 영세율 적용이 종료되었음을 알려드립니다. 



Collection and use of the personal information
Essential items Purpose of the collection and use
Sex,Email,Contact number Reservation, counseling, answer to inquiry
Consignment of personal information
Trustee Consignment work
Gonggamsoft Co., Ltd. Operation and management of homepage
SANHAIT Co., Ltd. Operation and maintenance of computer systems
Fastbooking Webpage Product Reservations Agency

Although you have a right not to agree with the collection and use of critical items, you can’t use the service unless you agree.

“Hotel Koreana ”abide by “Act of personal information protection” and “Act on the use promotion of information network and the information protection”, and matters related to the personal information protection besides what specified above are subject to the personal information treatment policy by “Hotel Koreana ” and you can confirm details on the homepage.